I conduct online sessions from a safe, secure and private place where we can’t be disturbed using whichever platform works best for you. Skype, Zoom, Facetime? I’m flexible.
All you would need to do is find a similar private space with internet access. This would preferably be in your own home however it could be anywhere, and I’ve conducted online sessions with people from their cupboard-under-the-stairs, their bathrooms, garden sheds/garages, park benches, bus shelters and from their parked cars.
Together we will discuss any concerns you may have about working online such a connectivity or privacy and ensure we work in a way that best allows for these things.
The real bonus of working online is that you can be in comfort of your own home feeling both safe and secure which is a great place to work from therapeutically.
If online sessions don’t feel possible or feel uncomfortable, we can also have sessions over the phone. I will call you from a safe and secure place and you can be anywhere that feels safe enough for us to talk.